Monday 30 January 2017

A Plan to Scale the World's First 'Sports Blockchain' is Accelerating

A Taiwanese insurance company is building a network of blockchain protocols to help its customers reduce the price they pay for coverage.
The one-stop shop, built by Taipei-based Fubon Life Insurance, is designed to incentivize healthy behavior and reward customers with lower premiums. But while the project is still in its early days, it had its first live test last month.
The first blockchain implementation is Bravelog, a private version of the ethereum blockchain, custom-built to record race and biometric data. It was tested at the Garmin Lava Dapeng Bay Triathlon in Taiwan on 7th January.
Based on the success of the event, Fubon has shared exclusively with Bitcolgate, its plans to scale that blockchain project beyond its current scope.
The head of Fubon’s Taipei FinTech office, Chris Tsai, told CoinDesk:
"Bravelog, in the future, wants to become a complete sports ecosystem with ticketing, registration and payments services."
The inaugural race took place with Fubon's Bravelog blockchain serving as a common protocol on which participants ranging from athletes, equipment providers and event organizers could interact.
In total, 349 people participated in the event, including the blockchain's developer, Alex Liu, CEO of the Amis blockchain consortium.
Liu and the other racers shared their personal data to a blockchain, ranging from race metrics to the individual's pulse, based on biometric measurements provided via Garmin devices.

Behind the design

Billed by Fubon as the "first sports blockchain", the early version of Bravelog was developed by Amis using Microsoft's Azure Platform.
The user interface was built by the Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan (ITRI), a government research group, with nodes that were run by Fubon, Amis, ITRI and the triathlon organizers.
However, Liu envisions future applications where nodes would be run by anyone who needs to access the personal health data, including insurance providers, health service professionals and users themselves.
To give an idea of the scale of the project, Fubon Life generated $1.24bn in profit in 2016, making it the most profitable subsidiary of parent company Fubon Financial. Fubon Life accounted for 64.5% of the parent company's total profits in the same year.
However, Tsai believes he can increase that number by incentivizing healthy behavior. The idea is that customers could voluntarily grant Fubon and others access to their data in exchange for lower premiums.
That in turn would serve the double purpose of making the customer less susceptible to expensive illness and attracting new customers.
"We want to promote a healthy lifestyle," Tsai told CoinDesk.
"And with our study into blockchain we realized we can really accelerate the process – or make it possible."

The Misfit fit

But this service is not new. Already companies like California-based Misfit provide similar incentives, and they're doing so rather successfully.
After signing a deal in 2014 to provide fitness and sleep data to Oscar Insurance Corporation, venture-backed Misfit was acquired by Fossil watches for $260m.
Oscar customers can earn $1 a day, up to a maximum of $240 a year, for wearing the device which provides data – including steps taken, calories burned and quality of sleep – to the insurance provider.
In addition to Garmin, which sponsored the triathlon at which Bravelog launched, competitors also include Fitbit, Withings and more.
The crucial difference between these services and Bravelog, though, is who owns the data, according to Liu.
As part of the event, participants had to create an identity, that if they chose, could go with them to another event with totally different hardware because they own the data.
Liu  said:
"What we would like to see is a common protocol that [can be accessed by] multiple Misfits, or Misfit and its competitors, multiple insurance companies, and so on and so forth. And the central owner of that data, presumably should come back to the individual."

The sports ecosystem

Bravelog triathalon
Bravelog was developed in Fubon's FinTech office in Taipei, which Tsai established last year to explore blockchain and other financial technology applications.
The blockchain project falls between two of the office's core objectives, big data analysis and healthcare.
Tsai believes that, in the future, blockchain also has the potential to help him meet other objectives in digital finance and information security.
Already being developed is a financial services implementation of the blockchain protocol developed by Amis to help Fubon Life’s parent company streamline interbank transfers and loan payments.
This service, in turn, could eventually run alongside the health side of the project, facilitating the sale of tickets to sporting events and other transaction across Fubon's subsidiaries.
To facilitate the interbank work necessary for such an endeavor, Fubon last year became a founding member of the Amis Taiwan blockchain consortium, along with Cathay Financial Holdings, CTBC Bank and others.
While the Bravelog blockchain and the interbank blockchain payments tools are currently separate, Liu tells CoinDesk he’d like to one day see them run on a single blockchain with a universal self-sovereign identity.
Liu concluded:
"When it comes to health data, just as in the financial services world, people are espousing that ideal. So that irrespective of who my securities broker is, who my insurance company is, who my bank is, I’m only selectively exposing my personal data to each of them."

Change in China

 What It Means For Bitcoin

yuan, china
The financial world saw history made last week when, for the first time ever, a Chinese head of state took the podium at the World Economic Forum's famed Davos conference in Switzerland.
Issued on 17th January, Xi Jinping's speech has since been interpreted as a response to rising protectionism – and an attempt to consolidate China’s position on the world stage.
But, it's worth examining in another light.
It is also likely to be indicative of the path Chinese authorities will take regarding the country's bitcoin exchanges.

A recap

While we've been focusing on the central bank's scrutiny (and its potential impact on bitcoin's network and price), this view masks the bigger picture.
First, a bit of background. Over the past weeks, we’ve seen clear evidence of China's weight in global bitcoin markets.
News of meetings between the People's Bank of China (PBoC) and leading exchanges sent prices tumbling.
The subsequent suspension of margin lending and the introduction of trading fees had dramatic effects on volumes, and many feared that the resulting dent in Chinese demand would dampen price growth.
Some interpreted the moves as an impending crackdown on bitcoin.
China needs to stem capital outflows, the reasoning went, and since bitcoin is an attractive vehicle for that, it needs to be stopped.

Feet wet

On the surface, this might make sense. Traditionally, the US has been the world’s champion of free trade while China has dragged its feet.
But now, the tables seem to be turning, China appears eager to position itself as a 'modern' economy with a flourishing FinTech ecosystem.
Part of that is seen in its interest in blockchain technology.
Earlier this week, local news sources reported that the PBoC had tested a blockchain-based digital currency and is establishing a related research institute. Furthermore, banksstartupsacademia and consortia are working with international institutions to foster a bustling blockchain environment.
While interest in permissioned ledgers is not the same as support for digitized assets like bitcoin, a desire to participate in foundational change bodes well for the acceptance of alternatives.
And an understanding of how the technology works should prevent impractical measures. (The PBoC has not, to our knowledge, indicated an interest in banning bitcoin, nor is it likely to).
Most pronouncements have expressed a cautious interest, and trading restrictions are less an indictment than they are part of the central bank’s job.

Ebb and flow

Capital outflows, on the other hand, are a concern, but local experts downplay the threat to monetary policy. While most of the world’s bitcoin mining and trading takes place in China, the cryptocurrency’s market capitalization is minute compared to the overall size of the Chinese economy.
More broadly, the recent interest in bitcoin exchanges could well be part of a larger attempt to deflate asset bubbles.
This week, the PBoC asked banks to curb lending, ahead of what is traditionally the strongest quarter for growth in loans. The request stressed the importance of reducing mortgage allocations, with the hope of curtailing runaway real estate prices.
The central bank also raised interest rates for the first time in years, which some analysts interpreted as part of its objective to curtail speculation.
While the bitcoin-related moves do seem to inch towards regulation, few believe that would be bad for the sector. Most appear to focus on the legitimacy it would bestow and the confidence it would give the ecosystem.
Looking ahead, political and economic troubles could complicate things.
The possibility of a trade war or even a military conflict in the South China Sea could send the exchange rate lower, drive the BTC price higher and put increasing pressure on China's government to appear strong, especially in the run-up to its 19th party conference later this year.

Tables turned

Yet, as China heads into its week-long holiday for the Lunar New Year, the approach seems to be one of dialogue and further investigation.
In his Davos speech, President Xi quoted a Chinese proverb:
"Honey melons grow on bitter vines, sweet dates grow on thistles and thorns."
This not only is a fitting metaphor for China’s internal conflict between wanting to participate in (or even lead) global progress and at the same time keep things calm at home, it also seems to sum up bitcoin’s struggles to become an accepted medium of exchange in a world of shifting priorities.
And it should reassure us that, in China, bitcoin is not a target.


12 cryptocurrency alternatives to bitcoin

Move over, Bitcoin. The world of virtual currencies is getting crowded with altcoins.
These days, there are about 20 types of cryptocurrency that sell for more than $1, according to Even more are in penny-stock range.
Here are 12 cryptocurrency alternatives to Bitcoin. Prices and market capitalization of altcoins are based on data from on Feb. 28, 2014, and not all are in the top 10 by either measure.

Read more:



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Monday 23 January 2017

Bitcoin, Solution For Cheaper Remittances In Nigeria

The Central bank of Nigeria has come up with a rule that leaves most Money transfer operators (MTOs) unable to provide services to Nigeria. With only three companies – western Union, MoneyGram and Ria able to continue operations, Nigerians in the diaspora are stuck with the high fees associated with these Money transfer operators. This has pose a huge concern to Nigerians home and abroad who like to move money across international 
However, the introduction of bitcoin into our world has revolutionized the way money is being transferred around the globe. With bitcoin in our world, we no longer have to worry about the local and international regulations that plague international money transfers to and from Nigeria, since it allows you to send ANYamount, ANY time, to ANY part of the World in almost less than FIVE minutes, at almost no cost. Bitcoin is no longer the new strange technology it used to be, as many individuals and organizations around the world now realizes that it is the cheapest, yet the fastest means of sending and receiving funds in our planet today. Not only that, it also ensures a safer delivery of your fund, without being monitored by any government or any individual, since it makes use of the decentralized technology called blockchain.
Why remittance in Bitcoin better than conventional currency 
Remittance is a sum of money sent in payment or as a gift. Listed below is some instances where bitcoin might be a better choice when sending money abroad.
  1. With the world fast becoming a global village, it is not uncommon to find services online from a provider who lives several thousands of miles away in a different continent, services like graphics design, data analysis, article writing etc are rendered by people to people they have never even met. It is easiest and fastest for these services to be paid for in bitcoin, as the receiver receives payment in their wallet in less than five minutes on their devices.
  2. Families now live in different part of the world, and often have urgent needs of funds, with bitcoin, student in the diaspora can now receive fees and allowances almost instantly from their parents, aged parents medical bill can be sent within the shortest period of time. Friends and relatives living in Europe, America, Asia and other parts of Africa can now send instant funds to their families back home in a safest and quickest way.
  3. Entrepreneurs in Nigeria often have to send money to their business partners in China, Japan and across the globe, bitcoin makes it faster for people to transact business. People no longer have to wait for days to receive funds, nor do they have to maintain long queue in the bank or at the ATM.
How to use Bitcoin for remittance in Nigeria
  1. The first step to own bitcoin is to create a bitcoin wallet account.
A bitcoin wallet is a digital account that functions like your bank account, where your bitcoins are stored. Every wallet has an alphanumeric code called the wallet address, and functions like your Bank Account Number. With your wallet address you can receive bitcoin into your wallet from anywhere in the world. (Create a free wallet at for users on mobile devices, download luno App from google playstore
  1. Buy bitcoins
You can exchange your cash for bitcoin and get them transferred directly to your wallet anywhere in the world ( Bitcoin is available for sale in Nigeria on this site

CBN And CrimesCommision To Hunt Down MMM Promoters

 As far as prosecution of ponzi operators go few have had the impact compared to the likes of Madoff. However it comes as no surprise as the house of representatives from Nigeria had ordered the incarceration of individuals involved in the promotion of the MMM ponzi and its elusive team.
MMM ponzi
The MMM ponzi became particularly troublesome for the Nigerian government due to the sheer scale of it. Luring in a population with lucrative rates of return believed to be around 30% on a monthly basis, many believed they were simply handing over capital to an investor. However all were duped into a ponzi scheme unregulated by the CBN essentially leaving the investor vulnerable to loss.
“Any Nigerian, who is participating in the MMM scheme, which is not regulated by law, is vulnerable to losing his/her investment, as there is no identifiable platform to guarantee the security of such, given the declaration by the CBN that the scheme is fraudulent,” Fijabi told the House
While the lawmakers have acknowledged that the timing of the scheme was ideal in exploiting the vulnerable nature many believe that the initial rate of return should have provided warning signs for many. With the devaluation of the Naira particularly bad in parallel markets and restriction of the oil industry, many were left with few options to invest. Avenues closed and many did turn to the MMM in a bid for profit.
To conclude, the Economic and financial crimes commission in conjunction with the central Nigerian bank aim to shut the MMM operations essentially “saving” the Nigerians from financial loss. Whilst the operation seems to have Russian origins it has operated on a global scale currently big in Nigerian and India. It is hoped the operation can be essentially shut down and those behind it, in terms of promoting and running it are bought before justice.


bitcoin mining

How Bitcoin Mining Works

Where do bitcoins come from? With paper money, a government decides when to print and distribute money. Bitcoin doesn't have a central government.
With Bitcoin, miners use special software to solve math problems and are issued a certain number of bitcoins in exchange. This provides a smart way to issue the currency and also creates an incentive for more people to mine.
bitcoin is secure

Bitcoin is Secure

Bitcoin miners help keep the Bitcoin network secure by approving transactions. Mining is an important and integral part of Bitcoin that ensures fairness while keeping the Bitcoin network stable, safe and secure.
bitcoin is secure


Bitcoin Mining Hardware Comparison

Currently, based on (1) price per hash and (2) electrical efficiency the best Bitcoin miner options are:

AntMiner S7

AntMiner S7 Bitcoin Miner
  • 4.73 Th/s
  • 0.25 W/Gh
  • 8.8 pounds
  • Yes
  • $479.95
  • AntMiner S7 Bitcoin Miner
  • 0.1645

AntMiner S9

AntMiner S9 Bitcoin Miner
  • 13.5 Th/s
  • 0.098 W/Gh
  • 8.1 pounds
  • Yes
  • $2,279.95
  • AntMiner S9 Bitcoin Miner
  • 0.3603


Avalon6 Bitcoin Miner
  • 3.5 Th/s
  • 0.29 W/Gh
  • 9.5 pounds
  • No
  • $499.95
  • Avalon6 Bitcoin Miner
  • 0.1232
Bitcoin mining is the process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin's public ledger of past transactions or blockchain. This ledger of past transactions is called the block chain as it is a chain of blocks. The block chain serves to confirm transactions to the rest of the network as having taken place.
Bitcoin nodes use the block chain to distinguish legitimate Bitcoin transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere.

What is Bitcoin Mining?

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